CPE & Event Calendar
For details about the CPE and event categories below, please click here.

2024 Annual Update for Not-for-Profit Accountants & Auditors
8.00 Credits
Member Price: $239
The Not-for-Profit Advisory Committee (NAC) has been meeting with FASB to discuss the impact of various standards on the nonprofit community. We'll look at the work of the NAC and the impact they've had. We'll then transition to the Accounting Standards Updates (ASUs) issued by the FASB that impact nonprofit entities. We'll review year 2 considerations of the leases standard. We'll also review common nonprofit deficiencies identified in peer review. Once we've wrapped up the accounting update, the course shifts to the audit side of the house with a look at what's going on at the AICPA. We'll review the impact of the changes to group audits as the changes coming down the pike for quality management. This course will keep auditors up to date on the work of the ASB. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
Surgent's Fundamentals of Public Charity Taxation and Form 990
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $159
If you work for or with not-for-profit entities and have questions about the IRS Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax, and the related schedules, this is the course for you! The program focuses on common issues that professionals will likely encounter when they prepare the Form 990 and additional tax rules applicable to not-for-profits.
Current Nonprofit Fraud Trends
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $149
Nonprofit entities have a high degree of public accountability. This course will examine the most common fraud schemes and provide multiple examples of how to prevent or detect these schemes. Nonprofit entities have a high degree of public accountability. This course will examine the most common fraud schemes and provide multiple examples of how to prevent or detect these schemes. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
Nonprofit Accounting & Auditing Committee Meeting: February
1.00 Credits
Please join us for our monthly Nonprofit Accounting & Auditing committee meeting. Committee meetings are open to all MassCPAs members. AGENDA: Optimizing Operating Costs: Insights from Gorie Williams, Schooley Mitchell FranchiseCPE Credit: In order to verify your attendance, you must log into zoom using the same email address used to register for this event and linked to your MassCPAs profile Join the committee roster? If you want to join this committee roster, to have access to the MassCPAs online community and be kept up to date with future events, let us know.If you have any questions, contact Melissa at MNystedt@masscpas.org
Audit 403: Fraud Trends - Applying Real-Life Lessons
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $89
Fraud Trends - Applying Real-life Lessons to Small- and Mid-Size Entities will focus on real-life and practical examples of fraud in smaller- and mid-size environments, including nonprofits. Fraud involves an intentional act to deceive, which may result in material misstatement in the financial statements due to fraudulent financial reporting or misappropriation of assets. Management's responsibility is to design, implement, maintain and monitor a system of internal control to prevent, or detect and correct, fraud. Note: This is a part of the suggested 16-hour Audit Skills Level 4 curriculum for experienced in-charges or seniors. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
2024 Nonprofit Taxation Rules and Form 990
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
This course explores the latest tax provisions impacting non-profit entities, including charities, hospitals, and universities, with a focus on common issues CPAs may face when completing their clients Form 990. **Please Note: If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to kori.herrera@acpen.com.
2024 Annual Update for Accountants & Auditors
8.00 Credits
Member Price: $239
This course will start with the Accounting Standard Updates effective in 2024 for public entities, private entities, and nonprofits. We'll then switch our attention to the items coming down the pike, including a look at the projects identified by the FASB's Invitation to Comment: Agenda Consultation. We'll also review year 2 considerations for leases including modification accounting. Then we will switch gears, switching to the audit side of the house. We'll review the impact of the changes to auditing group audits as well as the status of the AICPA's quality management project management. This course will keep auditors up to date on the work of the ASB. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
Surgent's Single Auditing Made Simple
8.00 Credits
Member Price: $279
Single auditing can seem complex. With thousands of pages of potential AICPA, GAO, and OMB literature coming together for the audit of one client, auditors can easily lose focus and confidence in what they are supposed to do; however, it does not have to be that way. This course is designed to sharpen your skills and knowledge in performing single audits and eliminate wasted efforts.
What's Going on at the FASB (2024)
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $149
The course will start with the Accounting Standard Updates effective in 2024 for public entities, private entities, and nonprofits. We will also review year 2 implications of the leases standard including modification accounting. We will then switch our attention to the items coming down the pike, including a look at the projects identified by the FASB's Invitation to Comment: Agenda Consultation. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
2024 Annual Update for Governments & Not-for-Profits
8.00 Credits
Member Price: $239
We kick off this course with a look at the GASB standards that are effective this year including GASB 100, Accounting Changes and Error Corrections and GASB 101, Compensated Absences. We then move to the NFP side of the house with a look at the Accounting Standard Updates issued by the FASB that impacts nonprofit entities. Following that, we review the work of the Not-for-Profit Advisory Committee (NAC) and the projects they advise the FASB on. After the break, we will conduct a deeper dive into Yellow Book and Single Audit engagements. The course closes with a look at the significant changes in the 2024 Compliance Supplement, the changes to the Uniform Guidance and the common deficiencies identified by the federal agencies and peer reviewers. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
Understanding the Form 990 and its Preparation Prerequisites
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $89
Introductory Session of Borenstein's Form 990 Foundational Series: This "initiation and introduction to" the Form 990's mechanics and importance will prevent you from drowning in the Form 990's force-field! More than 80% of the Form's inputs and relevant definitions are NOT found in the statutes and Regulations that apply to the exempt sector, a reality that can be overwhelming for both novices and more advanced preparers. This session provides an easy-to-digest synopsis of the entirety of the Form's key definitions as well as the mechanics that preparers need embrace from the moment they first approach preparing a 990. Packed with practical tips and perspectives on data gathering, this class is a "must" gateway for beginning (and even more experienced) preparers to learn "how to befriend Form 990 preparation." This webinar will vault preparers past all the initially confounding problems of the Form 990, providing baseline info on the critical nuances the form uses. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
Current Nonprofit Fraud Trends
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $149
Nonprofit entities have a high degree of public accountability. This course will examine the most common fraud schemes and provide multiple examples of how to prevent or detect these schemes. Nonprofit entities have a high degree of public accountability. This course will examine the most common fraud schemes and provide multiple examples of how to prevent or detect these schemes. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
Introduction to Yellow Book: 8-Credit Boot Camp
8.00 Credits
Member Price: $239
This course is designed for accountants in public practice and industry who focus on nonprofit and governmental entities. We will cover the basics needed to understand what makes nonprofit and governmental accounting & auditing unique. The course starts with the key financial reporting differences for governmental and nonprofit entities and then switches focus to review the fundamentals of Yellow Book and Uniform Guidance audits. This foundational course is perfect for those getting started in the nonprofit and governmental arena and those looking for a refresher. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
What's Going on at the FASB (2024)
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $149
The course will start with the Accounting Standard Updates effective in 2024 for public entities, private entities, and nonprofits. We will also review year 2 implications of the leases standard including modification accounting. We will then switch our attention to the items coming down the pike, including a look at the projects identified by the FASB's Invitation to Comment: Agenda Consultation. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
Surgent's Best Practices in Not-for-Profit Accounting and Reporting
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $159
Don't just wing it when you can soar! To catch the eye of resource providers and fulfill the needs of leadership, it is essential that not-for-profits prepare financial statements which excel. This course will empower you with the knowledge of not-for-profit accounting and reporting to surpass the expectations of financial statement users. Over 15 focused exercises are included to illustrate and refine today's best practices in not-for-profit accounting and reporting.
2024 Not-for-Profit GAAP Update
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $89
This course will review the Accounting Standard Updates issued by the FASB that impact nonprofit entities. We will also look at the work of the Not-for-Profit Advisory Committee (NAC) and the projects they are advising the FASB on. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
Not-For-Profit Organizations: Financial Update 2024
3.00 Credits
Member Price: $129
Not-for-profit organizations always need volunteers as treasurers or members of the financial oversight committee! CPAs are often asked to fulfill these roles. This course highlights the financial accounting needs of such organizations. Along with covering the status of the not-for-profit organizations, an update on recent ASC updates affecting nonprofit entities is covered. This course is geared toward hands-on, or future hands-on, treasurers of service clubs and similar organizations.
Nonprofit Accounting & Auditing Committee Meeting: March
1.00 Credits
Please join us for our monthly Nonprofit Accounting & Auditing committee meeting. Committee meetings are open to all MassCPAs members. AGENDA: Cummings Foundation Signature Grant Program: Financial Review & Selection Process ?Joyce Vyriotes, Executive Director of Cummings Foundation is joining with two of their volunteers to share their experience reviewing applicants financial health as part of grant selection process. Overview of Cummings Organization & Signature Grant Program - Joyce Vyriotes Evaluating Nonprofit Org Financial Health – Insights from volunteers reviewing applicants CPE Credit: In order to verify your attendance, you must log into zoom using the same email address used to register for this event and linked to your MassCPAs profile Join the committee roster? If you want to join this committee roster, to have access to the MassCPAs online community and be kept up to date with future events, let us know.If you have any questions, contact Melissa at MNystedt@masscpas.org
Surgent's Achieving High Levels of Compliance and Customer Service in Your Organization
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $159
Probably one of the greatest conflicts in an organization is determining which is more important: compliance or customer service. This program digs deeply into the issue and prepares the finance professional to achieve high levels of compliance and customer service in the department and in the entire organization. We will examine both disciplines from an analytical standpoint, proving why they are necessary for both for-profit and nonprofit businesses to achieve success.
Surgent's Government and Nonprofit Frauds and Controls to Stop Them
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $159
George Washington once wrote, "We ought not to look back, unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dear bought experience." The cost of fraud, dearly paid by governments and nonprofits, is too severe not to learn and profit from. In this course, we will look back at real-world government and nonprofit frauds and derive useful controls to stop them. The course materials utilize a highly illustrative and innovative format. Over 15 focused exercises are included to provide an enhanced working knowledge of fraud and anti-fraud controls to both auditors and industry professionals.