CPE & Event Calendar
For details about the CPE and event categories below, please click here.

Excel Power User Module 10: Getting, Preparing and Summarizing Data
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
This session continues the discussion about external data and digs into the details for retrieving data from other sources. Pull data from an Access database using Microsoft Query; learn how to retrieve data from simple text files; and prepare data for use with Excel. This session concludes by examining several data visualization tools in Excel, including PivotCharts. This is part 10 of a 10-part series Module 1: Fundamental Features Module 2: Fundamental Functions, Concepts, Techniques Module 3: Six Critical Excel Functions Module 4: Handling Errors and Comparing Lists Module 5: Date and Text Functions Module 6: Time-Saving Techniques Module 7: Introduction to PivotTables Module 8: PivotTable vs. Formula-Based Reports Module 9: PivotTable Wrap-Up and Web Data Module 10: Getting, Preparing and Summarizing Data
Excel Power User Module 1: Fundamental Features
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
The Excel Power User series is designed to help improve your Excel proficiency and enable you to get your Excel tasks done more quickly. In the first session, we'll cover the fundamental features that help build a solid foundation. We'll continue to integrate these features as we proceed throughout the series. This is part 1 of a 10-part series Module 1: Fundamental Features Module 2: Fundamental Functions, Concepts, Techniques Module 3: Six Critical Excel Functions Module 4: Handling Errors and Comparing Lists Module 5: Date and Text Functions Module 6: Time-Saving Techniques Module 7: Introduction to PivotTables Module 8: PivotTable vs. Formula-Based Reports Module 9: PivotTable Wrap-Up and Web Data Module 10: Getting, Preparing and Summarizing Data
Excel Power User Module 2: Fundamental Functions, Concepts, Techniques
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
Cover fundamental functions, concepts and techniques that provide a firm foundation for our workbooks. Continue to integrate these items as we proceed throughout the series. This is part 2 of a 10-part series Module 1: Fundamental Features Module 2: Fundamental Functions, Concepts, Techniques Module 3: Six Critical Excel Functions Module 4: Handling Errors and Comparing Lists Module 5: Date and Text Functions Module 6: Time-Saving Techniques Module 7: Introduction to PivotTables Module 8: PivotTable vs. Formula-Based Reports Module 9: PivotTable Wrap-Up and Web Data Module 10: Getting, Preparing and Summarizing Data
Excel Power User Module 3: Six Critical Excel Functions
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
Explore six important Excel functions that enable us to automate a variety of tasks, as well as continue to integrate these functions as we proceed throughout the series. This is part 3 of a 10-part series Module 1: Fundamental Features Module 2: Fundamental Functions, Concepts, Techniques Module 3: Six Critical Excel Functions Module 4: Handling Errors and Comparing Lists Module 5: Date and Text Functions Module 6: Time-Saving Techniques Module 7: Introduction to PivotTables Module 8: PivotTable vs. Formula-Based Reports Module 9: PivotTable Wrap-Up and Web Data Module 10: Getting, Preparing and Summarizing Data
Excel Power User Module 4: Handling Errors and Comparing Lists
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
Examine functions that help us trap and handle errors and discuss efficient methods to perform list comparisons. Continue to integrate these features as we proceed throughout the series. This is part 4 of a 10-part series Module 1: Fundamental Features Module 2: Fundamental Functions, Concepts, Techniques Module 3: Six Critical Excel Functions Module 4: Handling Errors and Comparing Lists Module 5: Date and Text Functions Module 6: Time-Saving Techniques Module 7: Introduction to PivotTables Module 8: PivotTable vs. Formula-Based Reports Module 9: PivotTable Wrap-Up and Web Data Module 10: Getting, Preparing and Summarizing Data
Excel Power User Module 5: Date and Text Functions
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
Explore functions that operate on-and return-date values and text strings. You'll continue to integrate these features as we proceed throughout the series. This is part 5 of a 10-part series Module 1: Fundamental Features Module 2: Fundamental Functions, Concepts, Techniques Module 3: Six Critical Excel Functions Module 4: Handling Errors and Comparing Lists Module 5: Date and Text Functions Module 6: Time-Saving Techniques Module 7: Introduction to PivotTables Module 8: PivotTable vs. Formula-Based Reports Module 9: PivotTable Wrap-Up and Web Data Module 10: Getting, Preparing and Summarizing Data
Excel Power User Module 6: Time-Saving Techniques
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
Apply numerous features and functions examined in previous sessions in a variety of time-savings techniques. Continue to integrate these features as we proceed throughout the series. This is part 6 of a 10-part series Module 1: Fundamental Features Module 2: Fundamental Functions, Concepts, Techniques Module 3: Six Critical Excel Functions Module 4: Handling Errors and Comparing Lists Module 5: Date and Text Functions Module 6: Time-Saving Techniques Module 7: Introduction to PivotTables Module 8: PivotTable vs. Formula-Based Reports Module 9: PivotTable Wrap-Up and Web Data Module 10: Getting, Preparing and Summarizing Data
Excel Power User Module 7: Introduction to PivotTables
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
This session introduces the PivotTable feature and covers the basics. Learn the four report layout areas, rows, columns, values and filters. Then you will learn how to update PivotTable reports and ensure that any new transactions appended to the data source are included in the report. You will explore how to create monthly columns and how to properly format the values in a PivotTable. This is part 7 of a 10-part series Module 1: Fundamental Features Module 2: Fundamental Functions, Concepts, Techniques Module 3: Six Critical Excel Functions Module 4: Handling Errors and Comparing Lists Module 5: Date and Text Functions Module 6: Time-Saving Techniques Module 7: Introduction to PivotTables Module 8: PivotTable vs. Formula-Based Reports Module 9: PivotTable Wrap-Up and Web Data Module 10: Getting, Preparing and Summarizing Data
Excel Power User Module 8: PivotTable vs. Formula-Based Reports
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
This session begins by comparing the formula-based reports we built previously to PivotTables. Dig into the details between these two report types so you are comfortable with applying them to specific workbooks. Create two versions of many reports, one version with formulas and the other with PivotTables so you become comfortable replacing formula-based reports with PivotTables when appropriate. This is part 8 of a 10-part series Module 1: Fundamental Features Module 2: Fundamental Functions, Concepts, Techniques Module 3: Six Critical Excel Functions Module 4: Handling Errors and Comparing Lists Module 5: Date and Text Functions Module 6: Time-Saving Techniques Module 7: Introduction to PivotTables Module 8: PivotTable vs. Formula-Based Reports Module 9: PivotTable Wrap-Up and Web Data Module 10: Getting, Preparing and Summarizing Data
Excel Power User Module 9: PivotTable Wrap-Up and Web Data
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
This session concludes the PivotTable discussion by examining various ways to present report values; discussing the subtly of properly sorting a recurring-use PivotTable; and covering numerous filtering options, including slicers. Next you'll explore the look-up function designed specifically to retrieve values from PivotTables. The session concludes by transitioning to data acquisition techniques, and you'll retrieve data from perhaps the largest external data source of all-the Internet. This is part 9 of a 10-part series Module 1: Fundamental Features Module 2: Fundamental Functions, Concepts, Techniques Module 3: Six Critical Excel Functions Module 4: Handling Errors and Comparing Lists Module 5: Date and Text Functions Module 6: Time-Saving Techniques Module 7: Introduction to PivotTables Module 8: PivotTable vs. Formula-Based Reports Module 9: PivotTable Wrap-Up and Web Data Module 10: Getting, Preparing and Summarizing Data
Family Law Virtual Conference 2022 On-Demand
Available Until
6.50 Credits
Member Price: $249
Family law is one of the larger specialty practice areas for both CPAs and attorneys. Understanding international divorce issues, quantifying the marital standard of living and knowing the latest legislation and tax laws are just a few critical family law issues covered at this year's conference. Gain insight from CPAs, attorneys and judges as they share critical information impacting your family law practice. As your clients face separation, divorce or support conflicts, they will rely on you to guide them through their family disputes. You'll hear about the latest developments, legislation, and trends in family law disputes and dissolutions at this conference. Plus, the conference provides an excellent opportunity to network with judicial officers, attorneys and other professionals. Please note, this is a livestream of the 2022 Family Law Conference taking place in Northern California.
Family Law Virtual Conference 2023 On-Demand
Available Until
8.00 Credits
Member Price: $285
This course is designed to equip CPAs and attorneys with the necessary knowledge and expertise to navigate family law cases effectively. The conference focuses on the critical role of CPAs in assisting clients with intricate financial matters throughout divorce, child support, alimony, asset division, and related legal proceedings. Additionally, it serves as a platform for CPAs to enhance their skills, exchange best practices, and foster connections with fellow professionals in the field of family law. Students will have the opportunity to gain valuable insights from esteemed legal and financial experts who will provide comprehensive knowledge on various topics, including divorce settlements, forensic accounting, business valuation, tax implications, asset tracing, financial affidavits, and more. By staying up-to-date with the latest trends, regulations, and strategies relevant to family law cases, participants can ensure their practice remains current and effective. Engagement in interactive sessions featuring real-life case studies will allow attendees to delve into complex financial scenarios commonly encountered in family law. You'll learn practical strategies and techniques for analyzing financial documents, uncovering hidden assets, preparing accurate reports, and presenting expert testimony in court. Furthermore, you'll discover innovative technologies, software applications, and tools that can streamline financial analysis, improve efficiency, and enhance the accuracy of your work in family law cases.
Family Tax Planning 2022
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
While the nuclear family remains the center point of society, it is under tremendous economic and social pressure today. This mini-course is designed to cover "hot" topics directly impacting the practitioner who represents any client with family issues. The emphasis is on using tax solutions to ease family economic concerns permitting the practitioner to be a real tax hero.
Fast Track Retirement Planning (expanded)
Available Until
17.00 Credits
Member Price: $409
We are all getting older and the need for effective retirement planning has never been greater. If your wish to attain a comfortable retirement for yourself and your clients by maximizing tax saving strategies, this course is essential. Retirement income needs are calculated, net after tax social security benefits are determined, and distribution options from IRAs and retirement plans are explored. Topics covered include life insurance, annuities, and buy-sell agreements as well as estate and eldercare planning. Special consideration is given to the tax treatment of the home and business on retirement.
Fast Track Retirement Planning 2022
Available Until
3.00 Credits
Member Price: $89
We are all (including tax practitioners) getting older, and the need for effective retirement planning has never been greater. This mini-course is essential for participants who wish to attain a comfortable retirement for themselves and their clients by maximizing tax-saving strategies. Retirement income needs are analyzed, Social Security benefits are determined, and distribution options from IRAs and retirement plans are explored.
Fraud Investigation Reporting
Available Until
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $49
Fraud costs businesses and individuals over $5 trillion each year globally. Learn about a nationally recognized expert providing the latest info on fraud investigation reporting.
Fraud Stories Series: Accounting Fraud
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
Explore a case of accounting fraud in depth as part of our fraud stories series. Uncover the hidden maneuvers that enabled financial deception, recognize warning signs, and learn strategies to safeguard against malpractice within our profession.
Fraud Stories Series: Crypto Promises
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
Navigate the nebulous world of crypto promises in the next installment of our fraud stories series. Unearth the underlying traps, discern the signs of deceptive digital commitments and gather tools to bolster protection within our profession.
Fraud Stories Series: Modern Pirates
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
Explore the tactics of modern pirates in the latest chapter of our fraud stories series. Dive into the cunning methods of today's digital marauders, identify the red flags of contemporary piracy and glean insights to enhance vigilance within our profession.
Fraud Stories Series: Revisiting the Pyramids and Ponzi Schemes
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
Explore a fraud case in detail, focusing specifically on the intricate constructs of Pyramids and Ponzi Schemes as part of our fraud stories series. Delve into the factors that led the company astray, uncover preventive measures and ascertain lessons to fortify integrity in our profession.