SumNews, MassCPAs’ bi-monthly magazine is distributed to all 11,000 members, both in print and online. Content includes informative articles and reactions to issues facing the profession, as well as member and Society news. Display and classified ads, magazine wraps and inserts, and animated ads in the digital version are available.
GROSS: | SIZE (in inches) | 1x RATE (black & white) | 1x RATE (color) | 6x RATE (black & white) | 6x RATE (color) |
Full Page | 7.5 x 10 | $1,875 | $2,300 | $1,635 | $2,020 |
Half page | 7.5 x 4.875 | $1,055 | $1,300 | $925 | $1,160 |
3-Column | 5 x 4.875 | $880 | $1,090 | $755 | $940 |
1/4 Page | 3.625 x 4.875 | $645 | $790 | $560 | $690 |
1/8 Page | 1.875 x 4.875 | $475 | $575 | $375 | $450 |
Cover Sponsor | $500 | $500 | $500 | $500 |
January | November 1 |
March | January 5 |
May | March 1 |
July | May 2 |
September | June 27 |
November | September 7 |

Looking to hire more staff? Publicize open office space? Promote your peer review services? Our classified ad section provides firms and companies a place to advertise in a cost-effective way. When you purchase a classified ad in SumNews, your ad is included on the classifieds page of MassCPAs’ website at no additional charge.
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Office Space
- Positions Available
- Peer Review
- Miscellaneous
Specifications and Pricing:
- Classifieds are limited to 1,000 characters.
- Ads are $200 for members, $250 for non-members.
- Color shading is an additional $10 and is a technique used to help your ad stand out.
- Confidential Reply Boxes are an additional $20.
- All classifieds (excluding positions available) will automatically be placed on our online classifieds page for 60 days at no additional charge (over a $50 value).
Ads and inquiries should be emailed to Kristin Wells at or download the insertion form for buyer or seller.
Download tips on how to write a successful classified.
Learn More About Mergers, Acquisitions & Classifieds

Sign on as the issue sponsor and we’ll wrap each issue with a special cover featuring your logo and website.
Spotlight a thought leader on your team by submitting an article to be featured in our bi-monthly magazine, SumNews, which is distributed to all 11,000 members in print and digital copies. For the price of a full-page black and white ad, you can submit an industry-related article to be featured in the magazine. The article will be labeled as “sponsored content” giving you the flexibility to use promotional language to highlight your product or service.
Cost: $1,875
A weekly e-newsletter which provides an update on legislative changes, IRS and DOR updates, upcoming CPE courses and MassCPAs news and events. Your banner ad appears at the top of the email, which is sent to all members on behalf of MassCPAs every Friday afternoon. The average open rate is over 20% and each issue is limited to one advertiser.
Cost: $800 per issue, $600 per issue for 4+ issues
To view past issues of Friday@Five, click here.
Digital newsletters sent to specific membership groups quarterly: managing partners, young professionals, firm administrators, small firms and members in industry. Reach a specific audience that aligns with your customer base. There is a limit of one ad per newsletter.
Cost: $600 per issue
One of our most popular member benefits — an online community that allows members to connect with peers, participate in discussions, network with accounting colleagues and share knowledge and resources. Advertising on the HUB provides you with exposure on the most active pages our members visit daily. Your ad also appears in the Open Forum digest email which is viewed by about 1,600 people every day!
Cost: $600 per month
Visit The HUB

The Society’s website can be accessed by members and non-members. It is used to renew membership, browse member benefits, register for events, access the career center, join committees, etc.
Cost: $500 per month
Transform your display ad in the digital version of SumNews.
A categorized list designed to help members connect with solution providers who tailor their products and services to changing needs of CPAs and accounting professionals. MassCPAs members and the public can browse the Directory on
Cost: $1,500 per year