CPE & Event Calendar
For details about the CPE and event categories below, please click here.

Accountancy Laws, Ethics, Taxes and Financial Reporting Review: Ethics 2023
Available Until
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $99
Fulfill your four-hour ethics education requirement by exploring the fundamental aspects of professional conduct. This course offers an examination of case studies and presents discussion questions related to equitable positions in tax returns, ethical dilemmas in tax practice, the role of fairness in financial reporting and the exercise of integrity in materiality judgments. CalCPA Members: This course qualifies for the four hours of free ethics credits per membership year. Learn more .
Accounting - Entering Payroll Data with Journal Entries 2023
Available Until
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $49
In this course, we will look at examples of how to enter payroll transactions into your accounting software using journal entries. We will cover how to record gross wages, employer tax expenses, deductions and associated cash impacts. This course is suitable for accounting staff that either enter payroll transactions manually or wants to understand how to record payroll, so they can ensure their payroll company's auto-generated journal entries are properly accounting for the entries.
Accounting for Nonprofit Board Members 2023
Available Until
3.00 Credits
Member Price: $89
Serving on a nonprofit board can be exciting and fulfilling. However, unique FASB standards for nonprofits can make reading financial statements a frustrating task. Learn about accounting errors and risk management. Being a board member can also lead to personal liability if the organization's policies and procedures are not set up properly and monitored effectively. Examine the core principles and practices of nonprofit accounting and what questions to ask your organization to protect leadership.
Achieving Success as a New Manager
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
This interactive, two-hour seminar will address how to make the most of the vital time immediately following your promotion into management. This includes how to quickly engage your learning curve, getting to know your boss and their expectations, building rapport with your team and the importance of securing initial small wins. Note: There is a minimum passing rate of 70% for this course. The webcast was originally broadcast on August 8, 2015.
Adding Personal Financial Planning Services to Your CPA Practice
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
Is it time to begin adding personal financial planning services to your existing practice? Gain the necessary skills to assess whether adding these services to your practice makes sense. This course examines the benefits and potential pitfalls of creating this type of entity; the skills of how to develop the appropriate infrastructure; and the appropriate type of entity and licensing requirements. We'll take a look at associating with appropriate financial services companies and professionals, staffing, technology, networking and other features of launching this new service, as well as the six steps of the financial planning process and how to apply them to each planning discipline. The webcast was originally broadcast on June 30, 2016. Note: There is a minimum passing rate of 70% for this course.
An Analysis of Organizational Support for Telecommuting
Available Until
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $49
Organizational support for alternative work arrangements (AWAs) is essential for the effective implementation of AWAs in public accounting, yet studies consistently suggest that such organizational support is lacking. Despite mass adoption of telecommuting (one type of AWA) during the COVID-19 pandemic, recent evidence suggests that firms vary greatly in the extent to which they plan to support telecommuting in the post-pandemic environment. Using a sample of 133 public accounting professionals, we explore whether several factors under the organization's control influence perceived organizational support for telecommuting and whether such support is linked with perceived career penalties from telecommuting usage and turnover intentions. Findings indicate that supervisor support for personal/family needs and procedural justice regarding telecommuting requirements are positively associated with perceptions of organizational support for telecommuting. Greater perceived organizational support for telecommuting is associated with both lower perceived career penalties from telecommuting usage and lower turnover intentions.
Asset Protection 2022
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
The current litigation explosion has created tremendous Interest in asset protection. Not only does this area have financial and estate aspects but it directly impacts tax planning. This course is designed to survey opportunities for asset protection that can arise during tax planning and to determine how to properly report such transactions.
Assets, Income and Cash (expanded)
Available Until
14.00 Credits
Member Price: $329
This course integrates federal taxation with overall financial planning. The course explores tax strategies relating to the central financial tactics of wealth building, capital preservation, and estate distribution. The result is a unified explanation of tax-economics that will permit the tax professional to locate, analyze, and solve financial concerns. Designed to improve the quality of services to clients and the profitability of engagements, this program projects the accountant into the world of financial planning.
Assets, Income and Cash 2022
Available Until
2.50 Credits
Member Price: $69
This course integrates federal taxation with overall financial planning. The course explores tax strategies relating to the central financial tactics of wealth building, capital preservation, and estate distribution. The result is a unified explanation of tax economics that will permit the tax professional to locate, analyze, and solve financial concerns. Designed to improve the quality of services to clients and the profitability of engagements, this program projects the accountant into the world of financial planning.
Audit Digitalization and Its Consequences on the Audit Expectation Gap
Available Until
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $49
This study examines how a paradigm shift from traditional to digital audits could affect the audit expectation gap. It uncovers possible new areas of the expectation gap and threats and challenges resulting from this paradigm shift. The findings suggest that audit digitalization will result in the profession transitioning from the defensive approach of educating users on auditors' duties to a constructive approach of using digital tools to perform some of the duties that users expect of auditors. Digital technologies have the potential to enhance internal controls and facilitate fraud prevention and detection, thus narrowing the expectation gap with these critical issues. The potential benefits of switching to the constructive approach include lower costs for audit firms, enhanced audit quality, and improved client perceptions of auditors.
Auditing in a Digital World
Available Until
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $49
Regulatory, reporting and disclosure requirements surrounding employee benefit plan auditing are growing and changing. Audit deficiencies are more common than firms care to see. The risk of plan failures or fraud is always present for plan sponsors. Learn about the complexities, trending issues and steps you can take to be up to date on regulatory, audit and accounting requirements, perform quality audits and serve your clients with timely and accurate advice.
Automobile Rules 2022
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
Operating costs for vehicles used in a taxpayer's business are deductible. Thus, when taxpayers use their automobiles in their businesses or employment, they can deduct that portion of the cost of operating their vehicle. Vehicle property taxes can be deducted if they are itemized on Schedule A. This course reviews personal and business use apportionment, the actual cost method, the standard mileage method and expensing. Moreover, this presentation informs practitioners about the benefits and costs of leasing versus owning and working condition fringe benefits.
BOI Update and Discussion with CAMICO
Available Until
0.00 Credits
Member Price: $49
Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Reporting has begun. Are you prepared to navigate the uncertainties of the new requirements? This course brings together CalCPA leaders and CAMICO experts for a conversation on managing risks and serving your clients.
Bankruptcy Tax Issues 2022
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act was enacted to minimize abuse of the bankruptcy system. Included in this Act were tax law changes and other changes that individuals, partnerships, and corporations will see in the bankruptcy procedures and qualifications. This mini-course examines these changes that debtors face when filing for federal bankruptcy and explores the many tax issues of bankruptcy. Practitioners will also learn about other issues such as homesteading and garnishment by creditors.
Basic Fringe Benefits 2022
Available Until
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $99
This course overviews basic fringe benefits and examines their mechanics, compensation methods, valuation, withholding, and accounting. Achievement awards, term life insurance, medical reimbursement, meals & lodging, educational assistance, dependent care, employer-provided automobiles, interest-free loans, etc., are identified. Employer and employee economic and tax considerations are recognized. Fringe benefit requirements and limits are specified and ERISA compliance requirements are determined.
Basic Marital Tax Matters 2022
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
In this course, initial marital tax matters such as living together, property rights, premarital agreements, filing status, exemptions and dependents are explored. The detailed support test for children of divorced or separated parents, the tax treatment of back child support, the deduction of divorce costs, and estimated tax payments are reviewed. Emphasis is given to marital property rules, married versus unmarried tax rate comparison, head of household status, and treatment of refunds and deficiencies.
Board Risk Oversight and Corporate Tax-Planning Practices
Available Until
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $49
Risk oversight by the board of directors is a key component of a firm's enterprise risk management framework, and recently, boards have paid more attention to their firm's tax-planning activities. In this study, we use a hand-collected sample of proxy statement disclosures about the board's role in risk oversight and provide evidence that risk oversight is negatively associated with both tax uncertainty and overall tax burdens. We find that risk oversight is most strongly associated with positions that yield permanent tax benefits and also with less risky tax-planning activities. Overall, the evidence suggests that board risk oversight is associated with more effective tax-planning practices.
Business Taxation
Available Until
24.00 Credits
Member Price: $589
Americans who want to be their own boss are not entirely on their own. They have a rich uncle - Uncle Sam - who is there to help, as well as to make demands. The nation's tax laws are intended to encourage people to start new businesses and are chock full of incentives and tax breaks, as well as sometimes onerous reporting requirements. This course is a fast-paced and entertaining guide through tax issues affecting business entities and their owners. The focus of this class is on tax devices and techniques available to the small-business owner. Emphasis will be given to operational deductions, fringe benefits, compensation, family income splitting, retirement plans, and estate planning.
Business Travel and Entertainment 2022
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $69
Taxpayers are once again looking to CPAs for guidance and planning related to travel and entertainment expenses. This comprehensive mini-course examines and explains the practical aspects of business travel and entertainment deductions. To determine the expenses that taxpayers are able to deduct, fundamentals are reviewed and planning opportunities are identified. Practitioners will learn to master the proper administration of these complex and often cumbersome provisions.
Challenges in the Wine Industry
Available Until
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $49
Wineries are navigating significant material shortages and increased costs. The course will discuss the economic, political, and environmental challenges facing the wine industry.