Workforce Training Application Process
What is the application process?
- Obtain a Certificate of Good Standing from the Massachusetts Department of Revenue. This certificate must be faxed with your online application.
- Identify training provider and course identification number for the online application. Workforce course ID numbers can be found on their course page on our website.
Our provider name is: Massachusetts Society of CPAs, Inc.
- Submit the online application. In this application, you will need to indicate which of the approved MassCPAs courses you have registered for by using the state-issued ID numbers. Please note: organizations applying for funds must pay the total cost of training to be eligible to receive the voucher for up to 100% of training costs.
On your application, our provider name is: Massachusetts Society of CPAs
- You will receive an approval letter and a Massachusetts Standard Contract (with initial submission). You must return the contract within 15 days.
- You will then receive a signed contract and payment voucher, and can begin training. No training can start until a contract has been executed and an official start date is established by the Contract and Procurement Department. Any training done prior to an executed contract is not reimbursable.
- Following completion of the training, funds will be reimbursed upon verification of completion of training, submission of a copy of the receipt and an evaluation report completed by the attendee. Reimbursement will be made within 30 days/
*Note: Completed applications must be submitted a minimum of three weeks before the start date of the training.